Footprint Fertilizers
Custom for the price of retail
Satellite Measurement and Pricing
The button below will give you a free satellite measurement and pricing for our different products. Yes we require an email and phone number but if you don’t want us to market to you, you only have to tell us once. In exchange we will use our ai software to measure your property’s turf area. These measurements are not always perfect so I also allow you to edit the measurement to make sure it accounts for anything you know isn’t represented in the satellite photos.
Here is what I can tell you about our pricing. Footprint Fertilizers are extremely competitive with the higher quality blends at big box stores. We will be more expensive than discount store brands.
Our packages are easily identified by the number of the package. We have the 42,43,54,and 55.
The first number is the amount of applications in the program and second is the amount nitrogen per program. The most common are the 54(Five applications 4 pounds of nitrogen) and the 43 (Four applications 3 pounds of nitrogen) over the course of the season. The more nitrogen the more your lawn will grow and the greener and thicker it can get. Two Step fertilizer packages are coming but need to figure out how to do it correctly before selling it to you.
For over 25 years, I’ve helped homeowners in Northeast Wisconsin achieve the lush, healthy lawns of their dreams. Now, I’m sharing my secrets with you. Home Turf Advantage takes the guesswork out of lawn care with our new consumer-friendly fertilizer and weed control packages, designed to meet your specific needs and goals.
Whether you’re looking to maintain a respectable yard or create the best lawn in the state, we have a program for you. We understand that every lawn – and every homeowner – is unique. That’s why we customize our blends of slow and quick-release nutrients, ensuring your lawn gets exactly what it needs, when it needs it. No more complicated mixes, no more confusing instructions – just consistent results all season long.
But we’re more than just products. We’re building a community of confident DIY lawn care enthusiasts. Join our customer-centric training programs and learn the ins and outs of proper mowing, trimming, edging, fertilization, and weed control. Our dedicated soil samplers are here to answer your questions and provide personalized guidance every step of the way.
Ready to ditch the lawn care companies and take control of your yard? Home Turf Advantage empowers you to achieve professional-level results without breaking the bank..
I have been taking notes and providing service for over a thousand properties here in Northeast Wisconsin. I have traveled the country touring professional locations in Texas, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and California.
We will have customer centric training on all things lawn care. Our soil samplers are your go to asset for any questions or problems that occur over the season.
We customize the program and use unique combinations of slow and quick release mixes that will have you a consistent release of nutrients throughout the season.
What We do
1. Measure the square footage of your lawn
2. Core Sample your soil and test for nutrient content and capacity
3. Custom Blend nutrients for your soil
4. Bag the amount for your lawn according to size
5. Deliver fertilizer when you need to put it on.
About Us
Home Turf Advantage is formerly a lawn and landscape maintenance company specializing in Lawn Mowing, Fertilization and Weed Control, Spring Clean-Ups, Fall Clean-Ups, Gutter Cleaning, Pet Waste Removal, Aeration, snow removal and small renovations.
Starting in 2024 we are transitioning from services to products. After 25 years of maintaining properties for clients, I realized that we needed to change our business model and embrace the future. We will be creating and distributing our very own line of fertilizer and weed control products, as well as carrying a line of robotic lawn mowers to help maintain your property.
- Take the guess work out of your lawn maintenance.
- More environmentally friendly approach to fertilizers
- Continuously striving to understand customer expectations
- Online Pricing
- Delivered when you need to take action.
- No storing extra product
- The correct amount every time
- Never apply too much
- Never under apply
- Custom for the price of retail